Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The problem with Scottish refs

It seems that refereeing decisions in the SPL are becoming ever more bizarre over time. Everybody has their own explanation to explain the shoddy standard of refereeing in this country. Three of the most predominant are the refs are just useless, backhanders and that they are bigot brother fans in black shirts.

The sit down between selected managers, players and refs was supposed to help to clear the air. If it did work it only lasted until the next match kicked off. Yogi Hughes has suggested that referees go for a game of golf with managers in order to help break down the barriers that exist between them. I would not force my worst enemy to spend any length of time with a referee and I would not make anybody spend time in the company of Yogi no matter how much they had pissed me off. The US constitution describes that as cruel and inhumane treatment, even inmates in Guantanamo Bay don’t have to put up with that kind of torture.

How do you justify giving the bastard in the black the £800 a game that they are asking for? Is it the time to get professional referees? Should we borrow referees from another league?

The first thing they have to do is to look at the whole issue of sponsorship of the referees. We all laughed when they announced that Specsavers were taking over the sponsorship deal for refs. How many times had the resident wit of the east stand suggested a trip to Specsavers for a referee? An ideal sponsorship opportunity if ever there was one. I bet that Specsavers are embarrassed by it now though, having your name associated with one of the myopic groups of people ever to walk this earth. Well maybe it is time to move on. My suggestion is that the refs go cap in hand to a company that provides laser eye surgery. Specs have not worked so they might as well give Lasik a try. Anything that helps them see the damage that they are doing to the game as well as the reputation of Scottish football must be good.

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