A past perspective written shortly after the prospect of ‘Straiton II’ was announced. Worthwile considering when we measure the reaction to Hibs losing a game to St. Mirren 0-1 last Saturday?
"I felt the same emotions as many other THAT Monday
morning recently when news filtered through about a possible prospective move
from the Hibernian heartland of Easter Road. Feelings of confusion, incredulity,
anger and disappointment were paramount primarily.Fear not here, as I do not
proffer another angle as to whether our football team should indeed be
Straiton-bound or not. Many have comprehensively and expertly covered this
subject, through informative and well-conceived articles reproduced on the
Hibs.net front page and further by excellent debating skills displayed within
the recently particularly well-used medium of the message board. It would be a
difficult task to imagine anything new to present to the table currently.I offer a word of reassurance to this end, as I am
perfectly sure many of are feeling the effects of a certain Straiton
‘burn-out’!My own initial opinions of the move, admittedly with a very little
information to hand, like most of us, had been woven around fears of deceit. I,
like others have at times taken the opportunity to make my, (in my case negative
towards a move), opinions known, so If I may, I’d enjoy laying that thought down
straight away and moving on toward my main point.Over some considerable period of, at first, passively
noting contributions to the original Erin site and Hibs.net and progressively to
being a regular, hopefully constructive contributor through postings on the
message board, it has been my pleasure always to talk to fellow Hibernian
supporters. I should also give mention to other club’s supporters who offer
width and depth to the conversation. Without their presence we could potentially
experience a more sterile environment.It is against this backdrop that I would
like to express some very real concerns and fears for the brotherhood that we
call supporting Hibernian Football Club.There has been mention by some of a feeling of ‘supporter
against supporter’ in recent times over this huge issue that confronts us all.
Indeed I recognise the signs in myself – thoughts of impatience and
dismissiveness at others opinions which do not correspond with my own. I started
to feel some anger at some fellow fans, fans who I have enjoyed the ‘company’ of
on Hibs.net and have had copious amounts of respect for previously, for their
wisdom, intelligence, debating skills and not least, a love of our club,
Hibernian.Now, I don’t like this, I don’t like it all. In fact I thought about
this so much it moved me to come along here for the first time, and share my
thoughts with those of you who would be kind enough to listen.After an initial period of understandably fierce debating
there is movement afoot. We have watched as Hibernian people are starting to
inevitably collect and organise themselves to make themselves heard. I sense
huge black clouds gathering and the chill wind of harsh words that will surely
blow around us all very soon. This has to be, and perhaps is the way it should
be?I’ll get to the point, and thank you for your patience thus far. I’d like to
offer a little plea if I may? It would make me very happy if I could observe my
fellow supporters, whichever ‘side’ of the debate you may stand on, behaving
with decorum and dignity. Let’s leave the insults at home and attempt to
understand fellow fan’s various points of view, be what they may. It might be
fair to say that a majority of supporters have already achieved this desirable
state. I salute those of you.We are all under great provocation at times to act
otherwise, (note my self-confessed emotions earlier), the measure of us will be
to witness our actions in this (yet another) time of adversity.We have an
excellent forum for debate on the Hib.net message board, and indeed over on our
friends at the Hibees Bounce site, another superb portal for Hibbies worldwide.
Let’s utilise these facilities to their full, with honest, reasoned and
respectful debate as talking must always be the foremost way forward. Yes of
course there will be anger and derision occasionally. That we can be sure
of, I am equally sure that we can concentrate on the avoidance of unnecessary
instances of this though, happily.The current storm brewing rumbles ominously, when those
hard times pass we will see Hibernian Football Club delivered into fresh new
pastures and a new era or alternatively steadfastly resolute in our beloved home
of Easter Road – The Holy Ground. A safe and respectful passage I bid you
Stuart Frew
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